Zippitydoodah - Bluebirds
In the spring of 2021 we have had a relationship with front yard bluebirds that is simply awesome. Three clutches and over a dozen babies to date. In general, a week of nest building, eggs laid and two weeks of incubation and a few weeks of growth before fledging. Then only 4 or 5 days before the next nest begins. I do clean out the old nests once babies fledge and I put out dehydrated mealworms and have two bird baths for fresh water daily, but I also know they hunt for bugs and worms as well. The most remarkable thing has been our relationship with the male we named Mr. Mister (remember that 80’s band?). He watches us in the yard and has spent enormous time at our front window NOT just seeing his reflection, but looking in and tracking us as we move about. I am considering doing a photo book for children about the relationship between these parents and babies as it is a remarkable story to have unfolded in your yard. Put up a box. Enjoy.